Misfits BBQ Club

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About Us

The Misfits BBQ Club is a group of like-minded Shriners based out of the El Zagal Shrine Center in Fargo, ND. Our common thread is providing AMAZING BBQ to fellow Shriners and the community. Our membership has “well-seasoned” Shriners, as well as “fresh” Shriners.

The Misfits BBQ Club formed in 2020, during the early stages of the Covid 19 lockdowns. Our initial goal was to give people food options as many restaurants were closed. We started off with simple ideas and a single cooker, “Miss Piggy”. We have evolved into monthly drive up ordering and cooking for various Shrine events. The addition of “Chevy” and “Elvis” cookers has expanded our ability to handle large and small cooks.

Our food offerings cover a wide range of taste buds. From ribs, loins, smoked beans, chickens, the Thanksgiving Turkey, to whole hogs. Our chefs are not afraid of trying something new.

The Misfits are all about helping our fellow Shrine groups and people. When the need goes out, it is often the Misfits that step up first. A leading-edge membership program finds the Misfits financially helping new members and returning members who come into the Shrine. Our goal is to help good men become better men, and if it happens to produce some great food along the way, that much better.

With many of the Misfits cooks, the net proceeds go towards the Shrine philosophy of contributing to the Childrens Hospital and transportation funds. Shrine patients receive their care at no cost to the patient.

We’re a great bunch of guys, just ask us.